Sunday, October 23, 2011

Feelin' Crafty!

Sophia's Princess Bow Holder

Real easy to make and the overall cost was less than $10. I found the "Princess" plaque at a Goodwill. It was originally part of three piece hanging picture frame. The picture below is a general idea of what I am talking about:

 The hanging frame was held together by chains, so I was able to take the chains off with a pair of pliers and have three separate things. A princess crown picture frame, and a wooden plaque that says "Princess."
Here is the Princess Crown frame that was part of the three piece set:
 Easily supported by a little plate easel. 

So not only did I get a crown picture frame out of the deal, but I also was able to make her bow holder. 
So  I went to Wal-Mart and bought corresponding ribbon to hot glue on and there ya go! Real quick, cheap and easy. And cute! 

Sophia's Polka Dot Picture Frame:

I went to Wal-Mart and bought a wood picture frame in the crafts section. I had paint and brushes on hand. I just cut out some stencils from paper and attached them to the picture frame after I painted the entire frame black. Then I painted within the stencils-- especially for the big circles. The little ones I painted free hand. A real nice touch to her room. 
Sophia's Coat Rack:

I found the coat rack at TJMaxx on clearance for $10. It was originally white with floral design. It was pretty, but I thought an animal print design would look more cute in her room. So I painted it pink/magenta, covering the original design. It took at least 5 coats of paint! And then free handed the zebra marks with black paint.

The perks of being a stay at home mom: the craft bugs bites you, suddenly you have an infatuation with plants and household appliances are the greatest gifts! LOL. I hope I inspired you to make some of your own stuff! It's fun and definitely keeps the time flowing when you are not busy handling the little one! :)

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