Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012!

For Thanksgiving this year, we decided as a family to take a road trip up to  NY to see my parents and brother. We haven't seen them in almost a year. And it felt good to be reunited.
Sophia was happy to see Grandpa!!!

 Sassy little chicka!

 Evan and I!
For November, in NY, it was a gorgeous day!!

 Getting ready to go to the park!

 Down the slide!

 Grandma's turn...

 Happy girl!

 Going down the slide like a big girl!

 My mommy and daddy! I love and miss them sooo much! more food!

We spent a week up there and I got to see some old friends and I enjoyed my time with them, even if it was a short while. It was worth the 16 hour car ride! 

Sophia and Madden! So cute!! 

Sophia, Daddy and Lil Arthur!! :)
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Monday, November 12, 2012

My 25th Birthday!

Tuesday, November 13th. I will turn 25! :) 
But we celebrated early!  And we will continue to celebrate until the 13th is over! 
Evan bought me a pair of Juicy Couture earrings for my birthday! I love them. :)
On Saturday, we finally hired a babysitter for the night and the hubs and I went out with friends!
It was much needed. 

 Stefon, Me, Chris.
I love these boys! :)

 Me and the hubby! 
We love each other. <3 

 I was a little tipsy...

 I hit him in his schnutz by accident. LOL.

 He was going to lick my face!! 


 Lindsey and Randall. :) 

Also for my birthday, we went down to Birmingham so I could do some "modeling"
For pictures, check out my other blog:

On Sunday,
We went for a nature walk since it was so beautiful outside!
I didn't take  many pictures because the camera died. :( 

And my birthday weekend is not over!
I will probably just relax and do nothing on my birthday! LOL.
This Friday we will be heading up to New York for a week to see my family for Thanksgiving! 
We are so excited!!! 

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